Reset From Your Desk - 15 Minute Exercises

Reset From Your Desk - 15 Minute Exercises

Welcome to "Reset from Your Desk - 15 Minute Exercises", a playlist designed to help you take a quick break from work and reduce your stress levels. We understand that work can be overwhelming, which is why we have compiled a selection of exercises that you can do at your desk, without needing to leave your workspace.

Our playlist includes a variety of practices, including alternate nostril breathing, butterfly breath, self havening touch, detoxifying lions breath, and more. These practices are designed to help you reset and recharge in just 15 minutes, giving you the energy and focus you need to tackle the rest of your workday.

Whether you're feeling stressed, anxious, or simply in need of a break, our playlist offers a range of quick and easy stretching, breathwork, and meditation exercises that you can do anytime, anywhere. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can improve your mental and physical well-being, and boost your productivity and focus at work.

At Nalaverse, we believe that taking care of your well-being is essential, especially in today's fast-paced world. We hope that this playlist will be a valuable addition to your self-care routine, and that these exercises will help you reset and recharge whenever you need it. So, the next time you need a quick break from work, take a few minutes to try one of our exercises and feel the stress melt away.

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Reset From Your Desk - 15 Minute Exercises
  • Reset From Your Desk - Intro to Somatic Breathwork

    In today's practice, Aubrey introduces us to breathwork by walking us through a few breathwork best practices. She guides us through Preparatory Pranayama breathing and the Shh & Mmm Breath. This somatic breathing exercise combines sound and vocal toning to activate the vagus nerve, extend your e...

  • Alternate Nostril Breathing

    In this session, Jaz guides us through mindful breathing, mindful movement and alternate nostril breathing. Alternate nostril breathing is a yogic breathing technique that is used to balance the right and left hemisphere of the brain as well as balancing the feminine and masculine energies of the...

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing

    In this session, Marrissa guides us through the preparatory pranayama breathing and a gentle affirmation based meditation with diaphragmatic breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing, often called “belly breathing” is breathing that is done through contracting the diaphragm to encourage full oxygen exch...

  • Intro to Bhastrika Breathing

    In today’s class, Aubrey guided us on Bhastrika. Bhastrika, or “bellows breath,” is a traditional breathing exercise in yoga that helps to increase Prana or life force in your being. It’s often used to energize the body and clarify the mind by stoking agni or internal fire. If you feel hazy, or l...

  • The Butterfly Hug Breath

    In this session Aubrey guides us on the butterfly hug breath. The butterfly hug is an immediate stress-reducing technique that helps to decrease anxiety and lower the heart rate. She also shows us how to prepare the body for a breathing practice with the Preparatory Pranayama breath.

  • Intro to Self Havening Touch

    In this session, Jaz guided us on how to utilize self havening touch. Movement and touch offer two tactile spaces in which you can begin to move out of your head and into your body. In this space, you can begin to release anxious energy and feelings and begin to restore a sense of calm and control.

  • Mindful Breathing Practice

    In this session, Marrissa guides us through a meditation on gratitude and use of grounding techniques. She also takes us through a mindful breathing practice showing us how to pay closer attention to the signals our body and breath send us.

  • Detoxifying Lion's Breath

    In this session, Gabbi guided us on using Lion’s Breath. In the yogic tradition, lion's breath is thought to help people balance or clear their throat chakras and strengthen their lungs. It's also an energizing breath and is often done before a physical yoga practice.

  • Focus with Bellow's Breath

    In this session, Aubrey guides us on using the bellow’s breath for mental clarity and focus. She also starts us off with a light meditation. Make sure to listen to your body during the practice. If you feel light-headed, take a pause for a few minutes while breathing naturally. Then try another r...

  • Unearthing with Conscious Breathing

    In this session, Aubrey guides us on how to move through our triggers through grounding and conscious breathing. She also takes us through the Preparatory Pranayama and the Shh & Mmm breath. This somatic breathing exercise combines sound and vocal toning to activate the vagus nerve, extend your e...

  • Self Havening & Alternate Nostril Breathing

    In this session, Jaz guided us through meditative self-havening touch. She also walks us through alternate nostril breathing techniques. To do this practice, you intentionally breathe through one and then the other nostril. This is done by closing off one nostril at a time with the fingers. It is...

  • Heart Centered Grounding Breath

    In today’s class, Marrissa guides us through heart-centered breathing and self-grounding techniques. By paying attention to the subtleties of our heartbeat and breathing, we can calm the nervous system with this gentle focus practice.

  • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama for Balance

    In this session, Gabbi guides us through a few ways that we can use breathwork for stress management. She takes us through her favorite practice, "Nadi Shodhana", also known as "alternate nostril breathing".

  • Day 19: Unearthing with Bhastrika Breathing

    Welcome to Day 19! This week’s theme is “Unearthing”. In today’s class, Aubrey guided us on how to go deeper with the bellow’s breath or Bhastrika. She also takes us through the preparatory pranayama along with a guided meditation.

  • Inviting Joy through Breathwork

    In today’s class, Aubrey guided us on gentle stretches that prepare the body for breathwork. She also guides us through our favorite preparatory pranayama breath along with the Shh & Mmm breath.

  • Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing

    In today’s class, Gabbi prepares us for breathwork with our preparatory pranayama breathing. She also takes us deeper into the power of focusing with diaphragmatic breathing.

  • Intro to Healing Frequencies & Affirmations

    In today’s class, Marrissa continues to share deeply restorative sound frequencies with a live sound bath. She also guides us through a heart-opening meditation based with positive affirmations.